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Some features... The head is made of a thin and soft polyurethane. Inside the head papered by fleece for comfortable wearing.The jaw may be opened up to 180 degrees, which is convenient for dry, cleanings and repairs. When closed the jaw supported removable textile bands. The apron consists of two parts - it not hinder wide open jaw and access to the inside of the head.
Teeth are soft, from white fleece. Included several tongue of different lengths and colors, which are fastened on Velcro.
The head is equipped with removable wedge-shaped linings that can be set in different configurations (for example they can be flipped) and in different positions inside the head - it allows you to adjust the inside of the head for size of fursuiter.
The bodysuit have a low waist. Exoskeleton with filling from syntypon have a light weight. The linings of exoskeleton are attached Velcro to overall and may be removed for drying or washing separately from the fursuit.
The handpaws have a fifth false finger, soft claws, soft pads from fleece. This fursuit have a couple feetpaws: "breeds" with soft pads for housing and photo sessions, and on a rubber sole for out walking.
The tail has a broad belt from textile gum with large Velcro-clasp. The hole for tail have a hardening by broad textile rubber band, allowing it being enshrined into the suit, to maintain their position and unity with the rest of fursuit.