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Few photos of the assembly fursuit "Silver Corgi".
#furr.club #head #fursuit #furr.club #head #fursuit
#furr.club #head #fursuit
Commissioning a fursuit. Silvery Corgi fursuit
Commissioning a fursuit. Silvery Corgi fursuit
Commissioning a fursuit. Silvery Corgi fursuit
Commissioning a fursuit. Silvery Corgi fursuit
Commissioning a fursuit. Silvery Corgi fursuit
accessory Commissioning a fursuit. Silvery Corgi fursuit
fursuit head during the manufacturing processCommissioning a fursuit. Silvery Corgi fursuit
fursuit head during the manufacturing process fursuit head during the manufacturing process
fursuit head during the manufacturing process fursuit head during the manufacturing process
fursuit head during the manufacturing process fursuit head during the manufacturing process
fursuit head during the manufacturing process fursuit head during the manufacturing process
fursuit head during the manufacturing process fursuit head during the manufacturing process
overalls Overalls haircut
Overalls haircut Overalls haircut
feetpaws Overalls haircut
handpaws handpaws
Blanks for goals Blanks for goals


Send it and we will contact you... someday, bc we usually bussy by work,

except moment when we selling a ready-made suit, then a respond will be quickly.
You can contact me by the old-fashioned way - this is to write to the email address: >


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