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The detailed description about our typical fursuit design.


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We don't need a "doll" to sew exactly by the customer size. How we do that? So, more on that below - let's see...

The jumpsuit of our fursuits have a large margin in size, but are stitched with textile elastic bands in such a way that they sit tight on the body, like a glove. The stock size removes undue stress on the fur when wearing the suit, making it last longer.
The cushioning zones are made by sewing in an elastic band - our fursuit fits like a glove and universal for any-size of fursuiters. You can not be afraid to get fat or lose weight - the costume will always good fit you. You may not be afraid of reducing the size by the washings - our costumes have a large supply of width and height. Our fursuits allows to dress it on friend, which is much higher and wider than you, or vice versa, lower and thinner - a costume will be fit perfectly and will give a lot of fun not only to you. Or this allows sell fursuit quicker, as it is suitable for anyone. The knots of the elastic are pasted over with fleece so this knots do not loosen over time.

Один костюм на разных комплекциях

About the sizes of our suits

minimal size, centimeters / inches
(in brackets - this is possible pre-sale correction)
maximum size
centimeters / inches
1. Growth (stock up to 205 cm / 6' 9"). min 170 cm
(165 cm)
min 5' 7"
(5' 5")
up to 205 cm up to 6' 9"
2. Arm length (shoulder to wrist). limited by maximum size -
the cuff keeps a sleeve on
a arm as it will be convenient.
up to 70 cm up to 27 ins
3.Body length (clavicle to crotch). limited by maximum size. up to 92 cm up to 36 in
4. Leg length (from hip to ankle). limited by maximum size. up to 90 cm up to 35 in
5. Foot size limited by maximum size.
(I will made padding to the feetpaws if small feet)
up to 32 cm up to 13 in
6. Around the top of the shoulder (the largest part). limited by maximum size. up to 36 cm up to 14 in
7. Around the lower part of the arm. limited by maximum size. up to 34 cm up to 13 in
8. Around the chest (at the widest part). min 95 cm (70 cm) min 37 in (26 in) 120 cm up to 47 in
9. Around the waist (at the narrowest part). min 78 cm (74 cm) min 31 in (29 in) 120 cm up to 47 in
10. Around the hips (in the largest part). limited by maximum size (if you remove the pads) up to 120 cm
up to 47 in
11. Around the top of the leg (largest part). no limited up to 74 cm
up to 30 in
12. Around the bottom of the leg (largest part). no limited up to 52 cm
up to 21 in
13. The width of the palm
(from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger when they are extended).
no limited up to 25 cm
up to 10 in
14. Around the ankle. no limited
up to 50 cm
up to 20 in
15. Around the wrist. no limited
up to 33 cm
up to 13 ins
16. Around the head through the chin.
(this size is adjusted by
the position of the pads inside the mask)
min 62 cm min 24 ins up to 78 cm 31 ins

Light pads filled with synthetic polyester are used as the exoskeleton.
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And this is how the firmware with textile rubber bands looks like "before and after":
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We hem the collars with fleece - it is durable and lasts a long time.
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All free edges of the fur are hemmed and do not stick out, do not bloom.
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The appearance of a full digitigrade's character is given by light lining-pillows filled with padding polyester. The pads are attached to the jumpsuit with Velcro - they can be washed separately, they are much lighter than foam rubber pads, they compress perfectly during storage and transportation.
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Mask material

The head is made of polyethylene foam with a strong steel wire frame (see the section of the site about the assembly of our fur suits). Unlike a foam rubber mask, our design does not rot, it is completely washable, it has a smaller area of ​​contact with the head of the fursuiter, it is less hot inside and ventilation is developed (possibly, except for characters with narrow ears - deer, hares).
There is enough space in the mask for wearing glasses.
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The ears of the mask are large ventilation holes.

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Characters with a long mouth are usually equipped with a large removable fan. The fan can move in the mouth to select a comfortable position or direction of ventilation (outward or inward). Mouth with the installed fan is usually ajar.

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The eyes are made of sheet white plastic. The transparent part is printed on a banner mesh and the details of the pupil are tinted with acrylic (the mask can be washed). The edges of the eyes are pre-glued with black fleece. It is possible to glue the eyelids (non-removable), in particular, already on the finished mask.
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We only make the opening jaws, which can be easily removed, this is useful for quick drying and cleaning the mask from the inside.

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Head design

The head of the fursuit consists of several parts with pads of different sizes, which allows you to adjust the size to any head. The tongue is made removable with Velcro. The mask has separate front and back aprons with pockets sewn to them.
The fan is removable, for 12 volts (an adapter from 5 to 12 volts is built in for power supply from a USB power bank)

Голова фурсьюта состоит из нескольких частей с подушечками разного размера
Голова фурсьюта состоит из нескольких частей с подушечками разного размера
Голова фурсьюта состоит из нескольких частей с подушечками разного размера Голова фурсьюта состоит из нескольких частей с подушечками разного размера


The nose can be 3D printed or molded from the material of the mask and is always lined with fleece. The nose can have through nostrils or inserts imitating nostrils. There may be a fringing of fleece of complex shape. On the muzzle there may be spots to simulate a mustache. We also make a mustache from a thick fishing line (we weld a "carnation" - the mustache holds firmly and does not turn).

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We make teeth from white fleece. On the lower jaw - non-removable, on the upper - removable with Velcro. Fleece lips.

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We make a tails with removing furs. Fastening from a strong tape for a normal belt. For the tail in the overalls, a "sleeve" of fur is so that the tail does not look like a separate, hanging piece.
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Paw design

Ready-made furfeet have soft voluminous fleece pads and are completed with sandals. Depending on the character, the paws may have soft claws from fleece or cuticles. Inside the paws there is a non-removable fleece sock that can be turned inside out for quick drying or cleaning. The frame of the paws is made of foam rubber. The frame contains a rubber heel inside so you not to beat off you own heel, and side pillows so that the furfeets do not dangle on the foot. These pads can condition the presence of a left and right paw - in which case it will be marked on the outside. Our furpaws suitable for any foot size. 
(We can immediately equipped with extra-long furpfeet of already finished fursuit, but in general it is better to clarify this issue)
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Furfeet are 'multi-sized', as it do not contain any boots of a certain size. The base is made of foam rubber. For the comfort of your feet our furfeet contain a heel-heel and side restraints inside.
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We make puffy pads and fleece claws on furpaws. The fingers have a lined inside to create volume. We make the fifth "real" or false finger (by default we make the paws four-fingered with a false fifth finger).
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Send it and we will contact you... someday, bc we usually bussy by work,

except moment when we selling a ready-made suit, then a respond will be quickly.
You can contact me by the old-fashioned way - this is to write to the email address: >


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